Thursday, October 31, 2019

Metropolis by Giorgio Moroder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Metropolis by Giorgio Moroder - Essay Example With this on hand, the paper will dwell on the view of the movie as women are the source to evil, and how the role of women changed as the movie unfolds. Metropolis The movie, Metropolis, released in 1927, is based on the novel by Thea von Harbou. The movie is a silent film, which was directed by Fritz Lang, who is a German filmmaker. Metropolis was a futuristic city with airplanes, flyovers, and high rise buildings used and occupied by the higher class. This population lives with all the amenities to used and enjoy, such as sports, libraries, cinemas, and the like. On the contrary, beneath the highly urbanized city are the workers who control the functions of the machines used in Metropolis. The workers strive to survive the daily routine of hard work, darkness, and even death below the lively and well-developed city. The movie evolves on the resistance of the workers towards the master of Metropolis, Joh Fredersen. Along with this, the story escalates to the development of the love story between Freder, the son of Joh Fredersen, and Maria, a daughter of a worker who aims for freedom and equality. Freder, as the son of the master of Metropolis, has the freedom to enjoy all the goodness and luxury in life. However, one day, Maria went to the Eternal Garden and brought the children of the workers there, where Freder was also present. Freder, intrigued of the passion he saw in Maria, followed them to the underground city where he saw the laborers suffer and die. The incident that he witnessed rose his concern for the workers. For this reason, he decided to take the place of a worker and was also invited to take part in the meeting that Maria organized to bring hope to the workers. In the meeting, Maria spoke of hope, and that one day a savior with the hand and the heart will come to unite their cities. At the same time, Joh Fredersen had witnessed the power that Maria had over the workers, which made him fear her. For this reason, he assigned Rotwang, a scientist , to create a robot in the likeness of Maria, and to use the robot to gain the loyalty of the workers. However, the robot Maria became out of control and led the workers to destroy the machines underground, not knowing that the machines were built to save their city from flood. Chaos came to being; however, Maria and Freder were able to save the children of the workers, and Freder became the hand and the heart that united the workers and his father (DiMare 346-348). The Portrayal of Women in Metropolis Metropolis is a science fiction film, which has the female persona represented by the cyborg Maria or the robot Maria and the human Maria. The cyborg Maria is linked with the â€Å"social chaos, and revolution suggests that these are not just economic problems: they are also sexual problems† (Brockmann 87). It is also important to note that the cyborg Maria was not created to do the typical activities a robot is expected to do. She was created and given the likeness of the huma n Maria, who poses a threat as reality, and technology unites in her (Ascott 311). Furthermore, the female cyborg, in this case Maria, is a character in the film that is mostly defined as a problematic individual torn between her ability to reproduce and her robotic ability. Most of the time, the character of the female cyborg portrays two roles, which is a hero or a villain. In this case, the cyborg Maria is described by Claudia Springer as an

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Buddhism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Buddhism - Research Paper Example In a culture where the idea of diety is so thoroughly solidified, Buddhism focuses on humanitarian deeds rather than worship of a higher being. Buddhism ultimately chooses to find the good in humanity in society where religious warfare continues to plague society. The foundation of Buddhist tradition and practice focus around ethical perceptions. All Abrahamic religions along with Hinduism such as Christianity and Islam all have a divine God. Moreover, Buddhism tends to focus around life and suffering. This is perfectly displayed through John La Plante as he states, â€Å"Buddhism tends to adhere to the teachings of Buddha which calls for a very peaceful and humble approach† (Plante, 34). Moreover, Buddhism allows individuals to practice other religions along with Buddhism. The whole essence of Buddhism is to preach peacefulness and embrace nature. It was clear that people were attracted to the idea in which humanity is the focal point rather than worship and control that othe r religions enforce. Another key element that proves why Buddhism is embraced by the Asian culture is due to the fact that it promotes peace. Since Buddhism embraces the fact that peace and harmony are vital towards reaching salvation, it completely diminishes the difference of opinion in the religion itself. Buddhism is one of the fewest religions in which sects are not a huge issue. Moreover, Buddhism tends to bridge the differences. Hinduism for instance continues to impose the cast system which clashes against equality. It leads to differences between society and further leads to more division and clashes amongst people. On the other hand, Buddhism does not indulge on submission but suffering through an internal journey. Buddhism is pinnacle of peace here as it is stated in the Bhagavad Gita, â€Å"The Buddha taught one thing alone: that is, how to end suffering in ones life† (Gita, 20).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Limitations in Person Centered Therapy

Limitations in Person Centered Therapy Group counseling Baldev Singh The person-centered counselor must always remember that the client is a guest  within his or her own world of experiences. This first sentence encapsulates  the essence of person centered counseling. The person centered therapy can be used in individual and also in group counseling.The therapy gives strength to client or groups to understand themselves and also gives them the opportunity to solve their own problems and see changes for themselves being valuable and worthy humans. Rogers, C.R. (1959) The aim behind all person centered therapy is that under certain conditions the clients will be helped to find and to exercise more of his or her own personal power with regard to understanding and evaluating his actions in the past and present and in  making decisions for the future. Furthermore, it is expected that this gain  will help client to be more confident to more forward to be exercised by the client in his  future life. If these conditions for his worth are particularly oppressive, inconsistent or ambiguous the roots will be laid for difficulty in adulthood as the clients attempt valiantly but in vain to live up to the conditions. Sometimes the difficulty which the person experiences in adulthood is only indirectly related to the conditions of worth but more to do with the way the young person adjusted his or her living to exist within the constraints of the conditions.The therapy techniques is to focus on client advancement towards self independence and overcoming a ny new presenting issues.These two factors: the conditions of worth and the ways in which the person has adjusted to the conditions of worth are the main ways in which ‘maladjustment’ is understood within the person-centered approach. Bohart, A. (1990) The way a person-centered counselor works will varied considerably according to the extent to which the client’s locus of evaluation is externalised or internalized.The aim of person-centered working is to help the clients to internalise his or her locus of evaluation. Helping another person to internalise his or her locus of evaluation is not achieved by exercising power over them but by creating a relationship in which the clients may take  responsibility for themself. Carl Rogers, the founder of the approach, was in enunciating and evaluating the relationship conditions in which that client empowerment might be optimised. For constructive personality change to occur, it is necessary that these conditions exist and continue over a period of time in which is, the two persons are in psychological contact’ (Rogers,CR 1957: 96).During the session the counselor will identified whether the clients is in a state of incongruence, being vulnerable or anxious. Immediately the counselor should established concrete in congruent or integrated in the relationship building.During the counseling the therapist will experience unconditional  positive regard for the client and showing empathic understanding to the client’s actual root cause that have been the underlaying cause experience to the client’s achievement and unhappiness.The counselor’s empathic understanding and unconditional positive regard is important to build trust and that counselor is actually listening and concern about their problems solving..Currently the most accessible account of these conditions is presented in Kirschenbaum and Henderson (1989: 221) Benefits of the group counseling. In the group therapy the members are expose and learning how one is perceived by others members problem.When in the session the client can experience a sense of belonging and acceptance with others in the group.The members can discovered that he is not the only finding solution to solve his problem but others members are also experiencing difficulties and are searching solution on how to resolve their issues too. Members can get some ideas from others when listening to their suggestion and this can enhance the client’s ability to resolve their problem and the root cause of their life difficulties.In group therapy members can express their ideas and rendered assistance to others members in the group therapy session.The group therapy session gives and built members positive encouragement when seeing the positive successes of others.Group therapy is cost effective for those having financial issue. Bohart, A. (1990) Benefits of the individual counseling. Individual counseling is beneficial for clients having disorders and also for those having serious rough time in their life journey.The counseling session is personalized and the environment is comfortable.The individual can focus on their difficulties and feel secure to exposed their problems to the therapist.In this situation their information are kept confidential by the therapist and they are governed by code of ethics.Even though in individual therapy the cost is more but it is worthy because client can take their time to reveal their difficulties and built up rapport,gain support with counselor working together.The individual acvtively participate and brainstorming with counselor to detect any blindspot to their problem.The environment is quiet and plenty of room to concentrate and the freedom for the client to express their feeling and ideas. In individual counseling the counselor can actively listen, understand and the counselor can list out some recommendations strategies to solve client problems. Bohart, A. (1990) Compare, contrast and reasoning In group counseling sessions the clients will sometime cover up their actual emotion. They will feel frightened and may also feel uncomfortable with the surroundings of others group members. Some client do not feel secure about talking their deep secret with others and rather not telling the truth about their problems. The group therapy is not suitable some individual who are very sensitive about their personal life issues. If this is the problems and the counselor will have a difficult time in resolving their problem.In group therapy the clients do not get one to one attention, there is no privacy and your problems is known to everybody in the group to talk about unlike in individual therapy  client privacy is protected. Coffeng, T. (1996) In individual counseling session you are seated in a comfortable environment with your counselor and there is no one else to listen to their private life problems. The individual will feel secure about talking their deep secret issues in their life and their information is protected by counselor and governed by code of ethics. In individual counseling sessions the counselor will have more time to concentrate with a client rather then in the group session. In individual counseling ,the counselor can have more time to interract and working together with the client. It also gives the client enough time to concentrate rather then in the group therapy with a lot of distortion and the concentration will not be there for some individuals.In individual counseling session the concentration will be better some client who wants privacy on how to resolve their distorted big picture and also solution on how the client can overcome to resolve their problems. Coffeng, T. (1996) Criticisms The limitations in person centered therapy is the based on therapist values and attitues and not skills. Next is the limitated understanding on client’s nonverbal indications and the therapy emphasize too much on the therapist being empathy, understanding and helping the client reflect themselves. The person centered therapy is a historical approach and not all clients actually knows what to achieve. The other limitations are the misunderstanding on the basic concepts and practical applications .The other limitations are some clients are not motivated just by caring and listening for any reform to begin with. (Bozarth, J. and Temaner Brodley, B. 1986) The group therapy. There are limitations on group therapy. They are not suitable if client is suffering from severe depression, mental illness and suicidal risk.Clients with these condition may not benefit from group counseling session. The group therapy members tend to be noisy, talkativeness and irritability which often becomes too difficult for the therapist to control the situation.There some limitations on the selection for the client suitability before they are allow for group therapy session. The others limitation are the clients problem must be mainly in the same relationship with other people and if not they are to find another group therapy offering the same problem and this is really time consuming and also not suitable with clients who needs urgent counseling for their problem solving. Bozarth, J. (1984) The individual therapy There are limitation on individual therapy.The individual therapy may also unable to help any client who are involve in court cases and infact they should consult a lawyer instead.The individual therapy is suitable for clients depends upon certain situation and needs.The limitation is caused by client personal fear,individual differences,problematic behaviours,anxiety or emotional disturbance and the counselor may refer clients to psycharist for consultation and treatment.Not all client is suitable for individual therapy and the counselor needs to be alert and observance to check on clients limitation for the therapy. Bozarth, J. (1984) To my conclusion the counselor play a important role model in providing the best and must be commited and the ability to remain authentic and truthful with what is really practical to daily human development. Boy, A.V. (1989)

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Parallels Between Animal Farm and Soviet History Essay -- George O

The Parallels Between Animal Farm and Soviet History Prior to writing Animal Farm, George Orwell had stated: "History consists of a series of swindles, in which the masses are first lured into revolt by the promise of Utopia, and then, when they have done their job, enslaved over again as new masters" Together this statement and Soviet History provided a basis for a political allegory which is depicted through Animals and tells of the tribulations which surround certain political ideals. In many ways, the story parallels to an era of soviet history from the revolution in 1917 to the Teheran Conference in 1943. When many critiques review this book they fail to realize how each significant detail parallels to an entity in soviet history. The story, Animal Farm, begins with a speech by Old Major. Old Major believes that 'man' is taking from the 'working' animals and he feels that the animals should unite and commence a rebellion to overthrow man. Similarly, Major's speech is an accurate account of Marxism and it is very similar to the last paragraph of the Communist Manifesto (1848): The communists openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible over throw of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at the Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains; They have a world to win. WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! After the Animals had overtaken the farm and the Animal Farm was established, "Everyone worked according to his capacity," (pg 27, Orwell). The similarities between Russia and Animal farm are well noted here, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"; were the words used by Marx in his c... ...mal Farm is a brilliantly allegorized political tale and the significance of the story becomes much clearer when compared to the actual political history. It tells the story of Russian history but at the same time it can be compared to other countries in their struggle for power. The struggle is not restricted to governments but people as well. Animal Farm is just simply about power in different political ideals and what it does to those that yield it. Lord Acton once said in a letter that: "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, good men are always bad men. George Orwell did an excellent job in portraying this reality through the animals of Animal Farm. BIBLIOGRAPHY Orwell, George; Animal Farm (Great Britain: Martin Secker & Warburg, 1945 Meyers, Jeffrey; A reader's guide to George Orwell (London: Thomas & Hudson, 1975)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Services Directive Proposal

Of   course   the   fundamental   freedoms   set   out   in   the   Treaty   of   European   Union   are   central   to   the   success   and   functioning   of   the   EU   Internal   Market.Two   of   these   were   of   great   importance   for   the   Internal   Market:   freedom   of   establishment   (Article   43)   and   the   freedom   to   provide   cross   border   services   (Article   49).   While   the   former   provides   access   for   operators   to   practice   their   economical   activities   in   one   or   more   Member   States,   the   latter   enables   an   operator   providing   services   in   a   Member   State   to   do   the   same   in   another   Member   State   temporarily   without   being   obliged   to   get   established   there.[1]   Obviously   these   have   legal   implications.â€Å"This   means,   in   practice,   that   Member   States   must   modify   national   laws   that   restrict   freedom   of   establishment,   or   the   freedom   to   provide   services,   and   are   therefore   incompatible   with   these   principles.This   includes   not   only   discriminatory   national   rules,   but   also   any   national   rules   which   are   indistinctly   applicable   to   domestic   and   foreign   operators   but   which   hinder   or   render   less   attractive   the   exercise   of   these   â€Å"fundamental   freedoms†,   in   particular   if   they   result   in   delays   or   additional   costs.†Ã‚   [2]The   Internal   Market   has   effected   a   number   of   real   benefits   particularly   in   some   sectors   and   generally   in   providing   employment   and   freedom   of   movement   for   operators.â€Å"Overall,   the   Internal   Market   has   resulted   in   real   benefits.   For   instance,   in   the   10   years   since   the   completion   of   the   first   Single   Market   programme   in   1993,   at   least   2.5   million   extra   jobs   have   been   created   as   a   result   of   the   removal   of   barriers.The   increase   in   wealth   attributable   to   the   Internal   Market   in   those   10   years   is   nearly   â‚ ¬900   billion;   on   average   about   â‚ ¬6000   per   family   in   the   EU.   Competition   has   increased   as   companies   find   new   markets   abroad.   Prices   have   converged   (in   many   cased   downwards)   and   the   range   a nd   quality   of   products   available   to   consumers   have   increased.†Ã‚   [3]Later   in   1992   Jacque   Delor   proposed   and   implemented   a   programme   aimed   at   creating   a   single   market   by   eliminating   non-tariff   barriers   to   goods   trading.   Although   the   programme   has   been   beneficial   but   it   leaves   room   for   substantial   progress   in   order   that   services   can   be   offered   across   borders   smoothly.[4]In   2002   EU   commission   studied   the   numerous   barriers   that   affect   the   flow   of   services   across   the   borders   of   Europe.   It   was   found   that   these   barriers,   including   legal   restrictions,   difficulties   in   obtaining   the   required   authorisation   from   local   authorities,   an d   the   length   and   complexity   of   procedures,   made   it   almost   impossible   for   some   businesses   to   get   established   in   countries   other   than   their   origin.[5]However,   on   7   May   2003   the   European   Commission   implemented   its   Internal   Market   Strategy   for   the   period   of   2003-2006.â€Å"The   Strategy   concentrates   heavily   on   removing   many   of   the   barriers   that   prevent   businesses   in   the   services   sector   from   operating   across   Europe.   The   commission   views   improvements   in   this   sector   as   essential   to   meeting   the   targets   of   the   2000   Lisbon   package,   given   that   services   now   account   for   around   two-thirds   of   the   EU’s   GDP.†[6]The   Commission   als o   pointed   out   that   the   enforcement   of   EU   legislation   was   not   effective   in   a   way   that   it   itself   become   one   of   the   barriers.   Within   these   strategies   and   in   order   to   address   the   problem   of   removing   barriers   hindering   the   flow   of   services   within   the   Member   States,   the   Commission   proposed   a   Service   Directive   aimed   at   enabling   service   providers   of   the   Member   States   to   establish   themselves   and   provide   services   in   States   other   than   they   originally   come   from.In   January   2004   Frits   Bolkestein,   the   European   Commissioner   for   Internal   Market   at   the   time,   proposed   a   draft   of   the   Directive   on   services   in   the   Internalà ‚   Market;   today   commonly   referred   to   as   ‘Bolkestein   Directive’.[7]   The   Services   Directive   by   removing   all   the   barriers   hindering   the   movement   and   establishment   of   service   providers   with   the   EU   Member   States,   is   expected   to   â€Å"create   jobs,   boost   economic   growth   and   increase   quality   and   choice   for   consumers.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The   consultants   Copenhagen   Economics   have   predicted   a   0.3%   rise   in   GDP   and   a   0.7%   increase   in   employment.   The   European   Commission's   estimates   point   to   a   1.8%   increase   in   GDP   and   2.5   million   new   jobs.†[8]Yet   the   Service   Directive   was   not   well   received.   Although   it   was   adopted   for   first   reading   in   February   2004,   opposition   in   different   countries   were   pronounced.   Countries   with   high   standard   of   social   protection   expressed   fear   from   the   consequences   of   cheaper   competition   from   the   foreign   market.â€Å"Some   countries   and   trade   unions   feared   this   would   lead   to   a   â€Å"race   to   the   bottom†,   with   firms   relocating   to   countries   with   lower   wages   and   the   weakest   consumer,   environmental   protection,   employment   and   health   and   safety   rules.†[9]Yet   the   most   disagreed   point   was   that   of   â€Å"country   of   origin   principle†Ã‚   which   allows   services   providers   to   operate   in   another   country   while   being   obliged   to   abide   only   by   the   laws   of   the   country   of   origin.[1]  Ã‚  Ã‚   EU   Single   Market:   General   Principles   available   at:   accessed   on   15   January   2007 [2]   EU   Single   Market:   General   Principles   available   at:   accessed   on   15   January   2007 [3]A   Single   Market   for   Services   available   at:   accessed   on   15   January   2007[4]   Can   Europe   Deliver   –   Research   by   Paul   Stephenson   –   Edited   by   Neil   O’Brien   (2006)   available   at:   accessed   on   15   January   2007 [5]   Can   Europe   Deliver   –   Research   by   Paul   Stephenson   –   Edited   by   Neil   O’Brien   (2006)   available   at:[6]   Services   Directive   background   available   at   :   accessed   on   15   January   2007 [7]Directive   on   services   in   the   internal   market   –   From   Wikipedia,   the   free   encyclopedia   available   at:   accessed   on   15   January   2007[8]   Q&A:   Services   Directive,   Available   at:   accessed   on   15   January   2007 [9]   Q&A:   Services   Directive,   Available   at:   accessed   on   15   January   2007

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Is Organic Food Good for You Essay

What is organic food? †¢(1) Organic food is food which has been produced to standards designed to keep the production more ‘natural’. Fewer, if any, chemicals are used and most pesticides are banned – when they are used they are very carefully controlled. †¢(2)Organic food costs more then non-Organic food. This is not always the case but on average organic farmers generally charge more for their produce because: oMany organic farming practices take a bit longer and produce lower yields oIt is more labor intensive than conventional agriculture oFields have to be taken out of food production while they go through three years of organic conversion or for fertility building. Here you will find out if organic food is good for you or not, there will be the science behind it, advantages, and disadvantages evidence and a conclusion. The science behind it In the rush to produce more and more crops to satisfy growing demand producers have had to resort to using a lethal cocktail of pesticides to control disease and insect attack. Good news for their bank balances perhaps but not good news for your health, this is why you need to be informed of the advantages of organic food. Did you know that if you consumed an average apple you would be eating over 30 pesticides, even after you have washed it? Organic food is known to contain 50% more nutrients, minerals and vitamins than produce that has been intensively farmed. You will have to eat more fruit nowadays to make up the deficiency, but unfortunately that means eating more chemicals, more detrimental affects on your health eating something that should be good for you! Some more startling facts now. Pesticides in food have been linked to many diseases including: ? Cancer ?Obesity ?Alzheimer’s ?some birth defects There are probably others but if you think about it, how can it be okay for you to eat chemicals and not expect some form of reaction in your body. Our bodies are delicwonderful machines. Any form of foreign chemical is bound to cause irritation at the least. (3)Some organic foods, including fruit, vegetables and milk, may be more nutritious than non-organic produce, according to an investigation by British scientists. Early results from a ? 12m study showed that organic fruit and vegetables contained up to 40% more antioxidants than non-organic varieties, according to Professor Carlo Leifert at Newcastle University, who leads the EU-funded Quality Low Input Food project. Larger differences were found in milk, with organic varieties containing more than 60% more antioxidants and healthy fatty acids, he said. Antioxidant-rich food is often promoted as healthier because in lab tests the compounds neutralize free radicals that are thought to contribute to ageing. (4) Ben Gold acre says the Soil Association’s criticism of the recent Food Standards Agency research on nutrients is â€Å"not about organic food† and that â€Å"the emotive commentary in favor of organic farming bundles together diverse and legitimate concerns about unchecked capitalism in our food supply†, In fact, our argument with the FSA research is about whether it gives a fair and accurate picture of organic food. Gold acre. First, he said we were trying to change the argument by saying that â€Å"the important issue with organic food is not personal health benefits, but rather benefit to the environment†. More farmland wildlife, high animal welfare and lower pollution were not mentioned in our own initial response, but were put forward strongly by the government when the FSA launched its report, and we repeated it as the government’s view, with which I agree. Second he argued that absence of pesticides, no routine use of antibiotics on farm animals and far fewer additives allowed in organic food all deliver health benefits. Goldacre says that as these â€Å"cannot be measured† by the FSA research, mentioning them â€Å"is gamesmanship†. These are real benefits, confirmed by other research. The organic movement represents a spectrum of practices, attitudes, and philosophies. On the one hand are those organic practitioners who would not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides under any circumstances. These producers hold rigidly to their purist philosophy. At the other end of the spectrum, organic farmers espouse a more flexible approach. While striving to avoid the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, these practitioners do not rule them out entirely. Instead, when absolutely necessary, some fertilizers and also herbicides are very selectively and sparingly used as a second line of defense. Nevertheless, these farmers, too, consider themselves to be organic farmers [6]. For raising animals, antibiotics would not be permitted as growth stimulants but would be permitted to counter infections. The rules permit up to 20% of animal feed to be obtained from non-organic sources. This was done because some nutrients (such as trace minerals) are not always available organically. Irradiation, which can reduce or eliminate certain pests, kill disease-causing bacteria, and prolong food shelf-life, would be permitted during processing. Genetic engineering would also be permissible. More Nutritious? Organic foods are certainly not more nutritious The nutrient content of plants is determined primarily by heredity. Mineral content may be affected by the mineral content of the soil, but this has no significance in the overall diet. If essential nutrients are missing from the soil, the plant will not grow. If plants grow, that means the essential nutrients are present. Experiments conducted for many years have found no difference in the nutrient content of organically grown crops and those grown under standard agricultural conditions. Safer? Many â€Å"organic† proponents suggest that their foods are safer because they have lower levels of pesticide residues. However, the pesticide levels in our food supply are not high. In some situations, pesticides even reduce health risks by preventing the growth of harmful organisms, including molds that produce toxic substances . To protect consumers, the FDA sets tolerance levels in foods and conducts frequent â€Å"market basket† studies wherein foods from regions throughout the United States are purchased and analyzed. Its 1997 tests found that about 60% of fruits and vegetables had no detectable pesticides and only about 1. 2% of domestic and 1. 6% of imported foods had violative levels [13]. Its annual Total Diet Study has always found that America’s dietary intakes are well within international and Environmental Protection Agency standards. Most studies conducted since the early 1970s have found that the pesticide levels in foods designated organic were similar to those that were not. In 1997, Consumer Reports purchased about a thousand pounds of tomatoes, peaches, green bell peppers, and apples in five cities and tested them for more than 300 synthetic pesticides. Traces were detected in 77% of conventional foods and 25% of organically labelled foods, but only one sample of each exceeded the federal limit Pesticides can locate on the surface of foods as well as beneath the surface. The amount that washing can remove depends on their location, the amount and temperature of the rinse water, and whether detergent is used. Most people rinse their fruits and vegetables with plain Tastier? â€Å"Organically grown† foods are not inherently tastier than conventionally grown foods. Taste is influenced by freshness, which may depend on how far the products must be shipped from farmer to consumer. What kinds of locally grown fruits and vegetables are available varies from community to community. Whether they are organically or conventionally produced is unlikely to make any difference. In the early 1990s, Israeli researchers made 460 assessments of 9 different fruits and vegetables and no significant difference in quality between â€Å"organic† and conventionally grown samples. The Consumer Reports’ study found no consistent differences in appearance, flavour, or texture. Better for the Environment? Many buyers of â€Å"organic† foods believe that the extra money they pay will ultimately benefit the environment by encouraging more farmers to use â€Å"organic† methods. But doing this cannot have much effect because â€Å"organic† agriculture is too inefficient to meet the world’s food needs. Moreover, the dividing line between organic and conventional agriculture is not sharp because various practices are not restricted to one or the other. For example, â€Å"organic† farmers tend not to use pesticides, but faced with threatened loss of crops, they may change their mind. If certain patterns of pesticide use cause more harm than good and there is a way to remedy the situation, the people concerned about it can seek regulatory solutions. I don’t believe that paying extra for food will benefit anybody but those who sell it. This research shows there are benefits,† said Dr Kirsten Brandt of Newcastle University, which led the research. â€Å"The reason why it’s such a grey area is because it’s extremely difficult to measure the health benefit in any food, but we can say that if you eat 400g of fruit and vegetables per day you would get 20 per cent more nutrients in organic food. † Peter Melchett, policy director of the Soil Association, welcomed the new research. He said: â€Å"There is clear evidence that a range of organic foods contain more beneficial nutrients and vitamins and less of things known to have a detrimental health effect. â€Å"

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Writers Block 13 Strategies That Work - Freewrite Store

Writers Block 13 Strategies That Work - Freewrite Store With that in mind - here are 14 of our favorite tips for curing writer's block. We’ve all been there. The right words won’t come out, if any at all, and you don’t have a creative cell left in your brain - you’re ready to call it a day. Of course, I’m talking about the dreaded  writer’s block. Writer’s block can be stressful when you have writing tasks that need to get done. Writer’s block is a myth Gasp! It cannot be true. If writer’s block is a myth, then explain what I’m feeling right now? When you attack it from the root cause, you realize writer’s block stems from four underlying causes. These four underlying causes were detailed by  Jerry Jenkins, famed author of the  Left Behind  series.   The Four Root Causes Of Writer's Block Fear - Fear can be paralyzing. The thought that  you’re  not good enough and that your work won’t be accepted. Procrastination - Nobody’s better at putting of deadlines than writers.  Set  your deadlines in stone and keep your daily workload manageable. Perfectionism - Perfectionism  can  be a good trait during the editing process; however, it is not as valuable while  writing. Distractions - In today's day and age, it’s nearly impossible to avoid distractions. So what can you do about writer’s block? Now that you know the four root causes of writer’s block, you can take some  actionable  steps to eliminate it from your writing for good. If you’re anything like me, you could probably relate to all four of the root causes. As you read along, you’ll find that more than a few of these actionable tips apply to you. With that in mind - here are 14 of our favorite tips for curing writer's block. 1. Writing Prompts If you aren’t familiar with writing prompts, they are simply guided writing assignments designed to stimulate your imagination and get the creative juices flowing. Put simply, writing prompts get you writing.   It may not be the topic you originally set out to write about, but it may help you find your muse. If you’re stuck finding a topic to write about, or lost finding a fresh idea to attack the blank page, writing prompts may be a good habit to implement into your writing routine.   The right prompt can open up new ideas.  They can illuminate new  ways of looking at things you aren’t able to see on your own. You can find writing prompts a variety of ways. Many are  free online, you can  buy a book of them, or come up with them yourself. Write them down to use at a later time.  You can even have writing prompts sent to your inbox, with Writing Time Fridays! Join here to receive a great writing prompt emailed or texted to you on Friday at 12pm EST. This is a great way to carve out time for writing and get inspired. You can dedicate time for writing on Friday, like we do at Astrohaus, or you can wait and use the prompt over the weekend. Related:  Writing Habits to Jumpstart Your Creativity and Keep You Focused    2. Don’t Be a Perfectionist   Does this sound like you? You want everything to be perfect before you ever begin writing. Every pen stroke must be streaked with gold. You try to formulate the perfect passage in your head, but you never do, so you revert to underlying cause #2, procrastination.   Perfectionism will only hinder your good writing. I’ve written a number of blog posts over the years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, nobody ever sees my first drafts. It sounds obvious, but nothing bad will come from writing words down. If you don’t like what you wrote, delete it. Leave the self-criticism for editing. 3. Stop Writing Sometimes,  It’s just not the right time to write. Your ideas may need a few more moments to formulate in your mind.   Surely, writing isn’t the only thing you ever do. You also need to eat, sleep, read, exercise, and interact with other people.   Even if writing is at the top of your to-do-list. Doing anything else, would be more beneficial than beating yourself up while staring at a blank page.   In a infamous  New Yorker  article, Ferris Jabr references overwhelming evidence that taking a walk can help you think through problems and be creative. Source: Elements of Walking Helps Us Think It’s ok to not always be writing, or thinking about your writing. 4. Change Your Writing  Medium Stuck in the mud? Try using Google Docs or Evernote instead of Word.  Put down the computer all together and try out your grandfather’s typewriter. What’s been most beneficial to me is freewriting in a journal or a piece of scrap paper. Any idea that comes to mind goes down on the paper. Often times, it doesn’t make any sense. 5. Eliminate Distractions This is one of the four core causes of writer’s block. In a world where we are faced with distractions left and  right, we no longer get to sit  in our log cabin in the woods and write in a quiet room. You have to take extra steps to create a distraction free environment in your mind.   5 Easy ways to eliminate distractions -  Turn off your cell phone- Unplug from the internet- Clean your desk- Let everyone know to leave you alone- Dim the light I’ve been using  Sprinter  by Astrohaus to focus on my writing. I even used it while writing this article.   6. Create A Schedule Every morning, I do two things. I wash my face, then I sit down at my desk and open my daily planner. I don’t check my phone, I don’t look at any emails, and I don’t talk to ANYONE. The second thing I do each morning is plan out my day. To paraphrase Jim Rohn, â€Å"If you don’t build a plan for your life, someone else will.†Ã‚   I plan my day down to the second, then I execute. It’s easy to say you†ll just get around to it, but taking the extra steps to plan out exactly when and for how long you’ll be writing, you’re that much more likely to do it.   Sometimes, you just have to put your head to the grindstone and write. If you’ve already done this before, then first address the root causes of writer’s block found above. If a pilot called his boss and said, â€Å"I have flyers block.† He would be laughed off the phone and probably told to hang up his wings. So, why do writers get to have writer’s block? 7. Find Some Inspiration Jack London once said, â€Å"You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.†Ã‚   Put bluntly, refusing to write until you feel inspired it futile - at best. As a professional writer, you can’t afford to wait several days to find your muse. The world isn’t waiting for you. Related: 25 writing tips from authors 8. Keep A Journal Journaling aids in fostering your creativity and helps develop ideas. Similar to freewriting or writing prompts, journaling literally opens a book of ideas. Turn your thoughts and feelings into words. What do you journal about? I like to journal about my goals and the things/people I’m thankful for  each day. As a part of my morning routine, I write down my goals  Ã‚  and three people I’m thankful for. It’s not uncommon for writer’s to keep journals with them at all times. Sometimes inspiration strikes at the most unlikely and inconvenient times. Bottle that muse, and save it for later. â€Å"Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea forever.† -  Will Self 9. Go Outside I don’t just mean writing outside, but turning off your writing brain completely..   Nature offers an immediate boost to your mental and physical well-being. Sometimes, you have to slow down to speed up. A few benefits of going outside are: - Relieve stress- Improve short-term memory- Eliminate fatigue- Improve focus- Decrease blood pressure Combined, all of these things can help get the creative juices flowing. Maybe while you’re outside, you’ll find your inspiration.   10. Change Your Writing Space If venturing outside isn’t enough, maybe you need to change your work setting. Rotating your workspaces can increase your productivity and open yourself up to new ideas. Try a coffee shop, a library, bookstore, a park, or just a different room. Cultivate multiple spaces around you that foster your creativity and productivity . 11. Use Freewrite Every element of the Freewrite is designed to help you find your flow state and stay there. It works perfectly indoors or out, online or offline. Double your hourly word count, meet deadlines on time, and write better content. The Freewrite allows writers like you to create drafts without being distracted by notifications or the infinite possibilities on the internet. When it’s time to write, you can just write. If you're interested, you can head over to  the Freewrite store to learn more. 12. Create A Routine Ok, so you’ve burned through the previous eleven suggestions. You found one that worked, but it didn’t work the second time. What now?   You have to create a routine. As I mentioned in tip #6, I follow a strict morning schedule to get myself aligned with the tasks of the day. After journaling and planning my day, I spend 30 minutes on personal development. Today, I learned about copywriting from the legend Gary Bencivenga. I improved my craft and found some inspiration to apply to my writing. Lastly, that brings us to the granddaddy of them all... 13. Start Writing   You’ve exhausted every option on this list and have nothing left. Here’s the foolproof way to cure your writer’s block.   It’s this simple. Just start writing. You already know this, but evidently, the things that are easy to do are also easy not to do. It starts with one word, then another.   Solution   Personally, how did I cure my writer’s block? The root cause of my writer’s block was perfectionism. I expected myself to churn at a Pulitzer worthy 2,000 word article in less than an hour. Only once I embraced my full inner creativity was I able to write to free myself from the never-ending stuckness of writer’s block. My only hope is that after reading this tips, you are able to address your underlying cause of why you’re stuck so you can ditch writer’s block forever! Carlton Clark loves to write about business, baseball, and popular culture. A writer, marketer, and entrepreneur. At the age of 14, he founded the media company Currently, Carlton helps businesses share their stories through social media and blogging. When he’s not writing or creating content, Carlton coaches youth baseball at his local high school and plays guitar. You can find him online on Instagram @itscarltonclark, and on Twitter @carlton_mukasa

Monday, October 21, 2019

Chaucer The Canterbury Tales Essay

Chaucer The Canterbury Tales Essay Free Online Research Papers The Canterbury Tales were written by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1370. The General Prologue gives a description of all the characters in The Canterbury Tales, however, in this essay, I am going to concentrate on The Miller and The Pardoner. In the prologue the Miller is presented as a bit of an idiot who uses his muscles more than his brain, ‘There wasn’t any door he couldn’t leave off its hinges or break by running at it with his head,’. He was also a bit of a petty thief and a brute, ‘He carried a sword and buckler by his side,’, ‘ He was very good at stealing and taking three times what he was owed,’. He is also not very pleasant to look at, he was fat ‘With big muscles and big of bone as well,’ he had lots of blemishes too, ‘on the top right if his nose he had a wart, on which stood a tuft of hairs,’. He is reflected in his tale because his tale is rude and has an element of trickery involved. The Pardoner is made out to be a scam artist in the General Prologue because he tells people that he is connected to god and if they give him money their sins will be forgiven, ‘He made the person and the people his fools,’ ‘And so with double talk and tricks,’. He is also very ugly but doesn’t know it, ‘He though his appearance matched the latest fashion,’ ‘His eyes were big and bulging,’. His tricky nature is reflected in his story, the three drunk men try to find and kill ‘death’. They find an old man who tells them that they will find death underneath a tree, so they go to the tree and the find treasure. They all plot to kill each other with tricks, however, they all manage to kill each other ’After all treasure divided 2 ways was better than treasure divided 3 ways,’ and then death comes to collect his treasure.’ ‘ Indeed they did find death upon that path and under that tree,â₠¬â„¢. In conclusion, I think that the Miller and the Pardoner are just as bad as each other and I would not like to travel with either one of them. The two portraits are also very different because one of them is very humorous and the other is a bit more serious but they are both based on trickery. Research Papers on Chaucer 'The Canterbury Tales' EssayLife After Death Personal EssayThe Gnostic JesusAlbatross and Rimm of the Ancient MarinerThe Damnable Life of FaustWho has Impacted Your Life the Most EssayAnalysis Essay of the The RavenJim Crow Law EssayThe Story of Beatrix PotterHenderson the Rain KingGlobal Distributive Justice is Utopian

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Advantages Of Women Entrepreneurs Business Essay

Advantages Of Women Entrepreneurs Business Essay In India women entrepreneurs play a very pivotal role. They are not only educated, talented, confident, ambitious and career oriented but they also know their minds. This helps them to juggle the tasks, manage all the chores and strike a fine balance between the professional and personal lives. They have a good foresight, patience, negotiating and budgeting skills. Today, women have demonstrated their multitasking ability. Women entrepreneurs can certainly initiate, organize, plan and operate their small and medium venture efficiently. Affirming this notion, Ms. Husain Chairperson and Managing Director of Shanaz Husain Group of companies elaborate, â€Å"the women who is creative finds greater freedom to translate her creativity and ideas when she has her own enterprise. For those women without high professional qualifications and those who are from a lower economic sector, entrepreneurship is a means of earning money and contributing to the family income. However, the challenge fo r the larger sections of women in India lies in crossing the threshold, overcoming barriers and discovering their own potential and identity. The climate is more conducive today and the time is right.† C:UsershclDesktopwomen-business.jpg ADVANTAGES OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS Advantages of women entrepreneurs are as follows: 1. Emotional Intelligence Women are more emotionally intelligent than man and possess good interpersonal skills which are vital for framing strategies and building support. 2. Multitask Orientation Women have the ability of handling many tasks at the same time like talking on the phone, reading their mails, scheduling what else needs to be finished for the rest of the day and giving excellent results. They balance their families and career simultaneously effectively. Men are known to have been more troublesome with multitasking tending to focus on one or two things, thus wasting opportunities. 3. Self-Branding Attitude Woman entrepreneurs are extremely passiona te by nature and enthusiastic about their choices, talking about them and sharing their thoughts. They emphasize the benefits of their services to their potential clients and are aware of how to highlight the positive features. 4. Patience Women entrepreneurs are very patience by nature and have great vision. Visionary entrepreneurs giving up on their dreams after only some months as a consequence of becoming impatient with the process only proves that the vision is not enough. The ability to wait and see is a key attribute in order to receive positive outcomes and women have it naturally. 5. Motivation Women entrepreneurs have a great passion for the work and a commitment to society. If they have the drive to pursue entrepreneurship, it means they are not afraid of taking any risks and will also make monetary gains. They possess the inner strength to continue and searches all possible means to share their business ideas with others. The increasing number of women entrepreneurs can promote economic and social equity which facilitates self-fulfillment for individuals, and improve the use of valuable human capital. Feminine traits and talents can be seen as sources of power with great advantages for entrepreneurship. In the near future women may be closing the venture capital gender gap.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Market princples Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Market princples - Essay Example Marketing strategies are especially important because they help businesses in maximizing performance of existing products as well as launching new products into new markets. McDonald’s has managed to establish and maintain a variety of marketing principles and strategies that comprises of four main elements, which are balanced to the benefit of the company. The first section of the essay addresses the elements of marketing and the benefits of the mode of orientation that McDonald’s adopted. The third part expounds on the business environment while the fourth section discusses the differences between international and domestic marketing in close relation to McDonald’s. Lastly, a concluding statement wraps the essay with a summary of all issues covered regarding McDonald’s. The marketing process can be defined as the procedure of assessing marketing opportunities, selecting markets to target, formulating the marketing mix, and management of the marketing effort (Marketing & Supply Chain Management, n.d). this process incorporates situation analysis, marketing strategy, marketing mix decisions, and implementation and control. Situation analysis includes a comprehensive analysis of a situation allows a business to identify the opportunities that could be exploited to satisfy unattended customer needs and wants. Marketing strategy involves developing a plan that can be used in fulfilling the identified opportunity. Marketing mix decisions incorporate detailed decisions that are made for controllable parameters in the marketing mix and include product development, pricing decisions, distribution contracts, and formulation of promotional campaigns. Lastly, the implementation and control step involves launching of the product or the service and close monitor ing. As the market continues to change, the marketing mix valuables can also be adjusted to accommodate any identified changes in the market. The place

Religion Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religion - Movie Review Example Diana Eck, in her book, â€Å"A new religion America† she talks about the growth of different religions in America. Hindus started their religious life at Boston and carried out the religious norms at the lake â€Å"ganga†. Muslims had started building Mosques, there were Vietnamese and Chinese Buddhists temples built and also the meditation centers at Boston. Looking at this she concluded that a lot to religions have been emerging and not only in Boston but was happening throughout America. Pluralism project was started by Prof. Diana Eck at Harvard with the help of students and colleagues from different places in order to make the map of changing religions and look into towns and cities in order to know how many religions have come across. Many groups are engaged in an effort to make communication among the people from diverse cultural and religious background in order to concentrate on interfaith dialogue and collaboration. Near Golden gate (presidio) interfaith center has been established which has 800 buildings. It was started in 1995 and participates at the United Religions Imitative (It is a worldwide network of organized cooperation circles). It has members in 50 countries representing more than 100 faiths. The president of the center says that the dialogue between the religions is not asking them to change or bring amendments but it is linking them together and is helping in sorting out the matters in a peaceful manner. In 1983 Chicago hosted a world religion conference in which leaders from different religions was the first meeting. Ten years later in 1993 Chicago again hosted such conference. These meeting proved to be a helping point as many people talked to each other and came to know about others opinion. Syed Hussain Nasir, President at the Harvard Islamic Society traveled to Montreal to take part in the international conference that developed as an outgrowth of the

Social Psychology and Ethics . What are attributions and why are they Essay

Social Psychology and Ethics . What are attributions and why are they so important for understanding human behaviour - Essay Example either to their internal dispositions or to their external situations.† There are actually two kinds of attribution: the dispositional attribution and the situational attribution. An example given is a teacher who wonders whether a child’s hostility either reflects an aggressive personality which is the dispositional attribution or the child is reacting to stress or abuse which is the situational attribution. There are instances where a person, perhaps a girl named Ana does not say much in class while a boy named Jose always talks nonstop (Myers, 1995:613). According to their dispositional attribution, Ana is shy while Jose is outgoing. These attributions are valid for people usually have stable personality traits. But this is not always the case for sometimes Ana could be an outgoing person in a party while Jose is as quiet as Ana when she’s in class. This act of overestimating the influence of personality and underestimating the situation is called the fundamental attribution error. To prove the theory, there is an experiment conducted by David Napolitan and George Goethals with Williams College students and a young woman (Myers, 1995:613). The young woman interacted with the students whom responded differently to her. Beforehand, the students were told that the woman’s behaviour would be spontaneous. Then the students were told that the woman was also told to act friendly or unfriendly. But the students ignored the information. They created different inferences about the woman. If the woman acted friendly, they thought she was a warm person. If the woman acted unfriendly, they thought she was a cold person. In simpler words, the students make their inferences or attributed her behaviour based on the personal disposition even when they were told that the woman’s behaviour was situational, meaning she was just acting that way for the experimental purposes. People often make the same fundamental attribution error (Myers, 1995:614). Having knowledge of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparasion of Apple and Samsung Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Comparasion of Apple and Samsung - Essay Example A comparison of the stock prices provides us with the information on the relative investor confidence on the two companies. A comparative analysis of the two companies helps the investors to reach an investment decision on the common stocks of Apple and Samsung. A comparison between two publicly traded companies Apple and Samsung could be done with the help of financial ratio analysis. The profitability ratio, liquidity ratio, investment value ratio and debt ratio has been taken into consideration for this comparison. The financial ratio has been determined by considering the financial statements of the two companies for the last two years. The return on assets for Apple is much higher with respect to Samsung. While Samsung produced an 8.83% return on assets in 2011, Apple registered an ROA of 22.28% in 2011. Apple focused to increase its asset base in 2012. The rate of increase in ROA for Samsung is more than that of Apple but the percentage return on assets for Apple is 23.70% which is more than 13.17% ROA for Samsung in 2012 (Bragg, 2012). The return on equity gives an indication of the efficiency of fund management by the companies to increase the wealth of the shareholders. The net income earned by the companies could be expressed as a percentage of the total equity of the company. The return on equity for Apple is more than the return on equity for Samsung in the last two years. In 2011, Samsung achieved a return on equity of 13.58% as compared Apple’s return on equity of 33.83%. From the 2011 to 2012, rate of increase in ROE for Samsung is more than Apple. Despite that, Apple recorded an ROE of 35.30% in 2012 which is more than 19.63% ROE for Samsung. A comparison of the asset turnover of Apple and Samsung provides a measure of utilization of assets of the two companies. Asset turnover indicates the amount of revenue generation of

Managing Change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Managing Change - Case Study Example The company that refuses to face up to the challenge of change will be swept away by the flood tide of this very change, the literature on change management implies. It follows that the company that manages change well could reap enormous benefits. Organizational change is a challenge, which may be imposed or initiated. It could be the outcome of a merger, the setting of a new organizational direction, or a newly installed information technology system (Concept Systems Online). In this paper's discussion of change, it relates to a plan of a progressive furniture manufacturer in the US to expand its operations into cyberspace, a process that follows the just mentioned concept except for the part about the merger. For one, it sets a new direction for the organization and it calls for the installation of an unfamiliar IT system. It can also be said that the change is initiated by top management and imposed by circumstance. Management initiated the move following assessment by the firm's finance and accounting department that profits do not reflect the rising manufacturing costs and that raw material inventories waste expensive rental space in public warehouses. The website option is then set to be imposed by suggestions that tran sferring part of the firm's business online can take care of this sort of production problems and ensure its continued profitability. This is where change management is called into play because e-commerce is strange territory to a small-town company run on paternalism by an outdoors type of man who involves himself in the design and technical work and shares lunch with employees, most of whom have been with the company from the start and thus strong on loyalty. Although without formal training in business and management, the hands-on company president reads and attends business seminars, which gave him an open mind about change. However, the reaction of employees to the online plan was frosty, indicating their lack of enthusiasm on this idea of change. This represents a big challenge to change management, which this essay precisely seeks to address, in a way that would illumine how to meet the challenges and how to carry out the appropriate change management methods and models set forth on the subject. Chad's Creative Concepts Chad Thomas, founder and president of the company called Chad's Creative Concepts, started entertaining the idea of going online when a conflict arose over the firm's production of standardized line of furniture on top of the custom-design products. The company was catapulted to prominence by custom-made wooden furniture that brought "a bit of the outdoors" into homes. As the market for this innovative and unique product boomed, Chad's decided to add standard-design furniture to its product line. Lately, the standard-design furniture accounts for 40 percent of the firm's sales turnover but only 25 percent of the dollar value of sales. The customized furniture makes up 60 percent of sales and 75 percent of the sales' dollar value, which means this product line remains the company's bread and butter. For this reason,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Aviation rescue and fire fighting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Aviation rescue and fire fighting - Essay Example Technological advances have allowed Aviation Rescue and Fire Fighting to meet the challenges that have come about with its primary function of rescuing passengers and the growing use of air transportation and larger aircraft. Aviation Rescue and Firefighting is unique in its function as at a time of an air crash the members of the Aviation Rescue and Firefighting team face the intense challenge of rescuing a possible of more than 400 passengers from within the aircraft, whose length could extend to ninety meters and a width of five meters. Starting with normal firefighting equipment and volunteers immediately after the Second World War, Aviation Rescue and Firefighting has taken giant strides to keep with the technological advancements that have caused air transportation to transform dramatically and the size of aircraft also to grow to very large extents. The job function calls for highly trained and skilled personnel operating with sophisticated firefighting and rescue equipment. (Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting Index). The main objective of Aviation Rescue and Firefighting is to save the life of the entrapped passengers from the burning aircraft and the protection of aircraft and surrounding buildings and vehicle remain a secondary objective at the time of an aircraft accident or incident. The fire hazard is extremely high and all times the need for extinguishing fires has to be at the forefront of the activities of the Aviation Rescue and Firefighting. Fires may happen when aircraft land and take off, or during an accident or when rescue operation are put into place. The rupture of the fuel tanks of the aircraft could lead to spillage of highly volatile and inflammable aviation fuels and other liquids used by aircrafts. The aviation fuel and inflammable liquids could easily burst into flames by coming in contact with hot metal parts of the aircraft, sparks caused by moving parts of the aircraft or from disruption of the electrical circuits present in the

Managing Change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Managing Change - Case Study Example The company that refuses to face up to the challenge of change will be swept away by the flood tide of this very change, the literature on change management implies. It follows that the company that manages change well could reap enormous benefits. Organizational change is a challenge, which may be imposed or initiated. It could be the outcome of a merger, the setting of a new organizational direction, or a newly installed information technology system (Concept Systems Online). In this paper's discussion of change, it relates to a plan of a progressive furniture manufacturer in the US to expand its operations into cyberspace, a process that follows the just mentioned concept except for the part about the merger. For one, it sets a new direction for the organization and it calls for the installation of an unfamiliar IT system. It can also be said that the change is initiated by top management and imposed by circumstance. Management initiated the move following assessment by the firm's finance and accounting department that profits do not reflect the rising manufacturing costs and that raw material inventories waste expensive rental space in public warehouses. The website option is then set to be imposed by suggestions that tran sferring part of the firm's business online can take care of this sort of production problems and ensure its continued profitability. This is where change management is called into play because e-commerce is strange territory to a small-town company run on paternalism by an outdoors type of man who involves himself in the design and technical work and shares lunch with employees, most of whom have been with the company from the start and thus strong on loyalty. Although without formal training in business and management, the hands-on company president reads and attends business seminars, which gave him an open mind about change. However, the reaction of employees to the online plan was frosty, indicating their lack of enthusiasm on this idea of change. This represents a big challenge to change management, which this essay precisely seeks to address, in a way that would illumine how to meet the challenges and how to carry out the appropriate change management methods and models set forth on the subject. Chad's Creative Concepts Chad Thomas, founder and president of the company called Chad's Creative Concepts, started entertaining the idea of going online when a conflict arose over the firm's production of standardized line of furniture on top of the custom-design products. The company was catapulted to prominence by custom-made wooden furniture that brought "a bit of the outdoors" into homes. As the market for this innovative and unique product boomed, Chad's decided to add standard-design furniture to its product line. Lately, the standard-design furniture accounts for 40 percent of the firm's sales turnover but only 25 percent of the dollar value of sales. The customized furniture makes up 60 percent of sales and 75 percent of the sales' dollar value, which means this product line remains the company's bread and butter. For this reason,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Colonialism and the Struggles of the Black Psyche Essay Example for Free

Colonialism and the Struggles of the Black Psyche Essay The book â€Å"Black Skin, White Masks† by Frantz Fanon analyzes the psychological damage that colonialism wrought on the colonizer and the colonized. Fanon also bases his analyses on his own experiences, wherein he describes how black children develop neuroses that root from their antagonism of their own skin, because of the media and their daily circumstances: â€Å"The dominant colonial culture†¦identifies the black skin of the Negro with impurity; and the Antilleans accept this association and so come to despise themselves† (Appiah ix). The source of â€Å"Black Skin, White Masks† is the psychological injury from colonialism, racism, and gender inequality, an injury that will escape recovery, unless the black psyche conquers its inner white demons and alienate all that alienates him/her. Fanon writes from the experiences and psychiatric analyses of the black skin and the white masks that black people don. He describes a girl who is afraid of black people: â€Å"†¦it is at this age that the Negro as savage and cannibal makes his appearance. It is easy to make the connection† (Fanon 184). This fear for the black skin is also emphasized and criticized in the painting â€Å"How Do You Like Me Now† (1988) (fig. 1) by David Hammons. This fourteen-by-sixteen-foot painting shows political leader Jesse Jackson with blond, wavy hair, blue eyes, pink cheeks, and white skin. The title is also a song of a popular rapper Kool Moe Dee. This painting can be interpreted from different perspectives. Barnwell and Buick argue that white viewers can see the painting from their perspective, wherein they are challenged to see through their biases and consider voting for a black man, now that he is â€Å"whitened. At the same time, the painting â€Å"asks black viewers whether they would support Jackson if he were white,† say Barnwell and Buick. On the other hand, the interpretation of the paintings also changes with the race of the artist. Barnwell and Buick explore the changes in meanings of the artwork, if Hammons race is changed from black to white. This painting has bee n attacked ten black men, who thought that it was racist and insulting, and they used sledgehammers to assail it and take it away from its scaffolding. Barnwell and Buick wonder if the black group would have still destroyed the painting, if they knew that the painter was black and that he was merely satirizing the color lines that enslave people’s minds. Clearly, blackness and whiteness release the innermost values and emotions of the people. The reactions can reflect the anger and despondency of the subjugated black race. â€Å"How Do You Like Me Now† (1988), as seen by the violent response of some people, has clearly marred the colonized. Colonialism has injured the black psyche to the extent that violence has been etched into it too. Colonialism has stripped black people of the right to define their identities, by caricaturing their existence and purpose in life. Colonialism, like slavery, skews the black people’s right to humanity and power. Violence, however, can regain this loss of power and replace the sense of loss. Through violence, the gap between power and powerlessness can be filled again. â€Å"How Do You Like Me Now† (1988) also remarks on the damage of colonization and racism to the colonizer. From the racist white perspective, this blonde man is a person who has greater potential for being a president. If faced with a black person, with black eyes and curly hair, the racist white would be offended with the overarching blackness. It will feel, like Fanon’s little girl who is afraid of black people, that they are being assaulted. The size of the painting also asserts power. But since colonial and white America would not consider any immense power from the black people, it is important to wear the white mask. With the black person masked as white, he will be accepted and he will have power. This is the same critique of Fanon of colonizers. The colonizers have forgotten that the black people also have their own identities. The whites see no black individuality and power, but only their whiteness. This seeing of whiteness on blackness marks another neurosis from the side of the whites. What is it about their whiteness that they have loved themselves too deeply and too irrationally? Following the analysis of Fanon, having power and asking for too much of it dehumanized the white race of the colonial times. That power is white has been embedded in their mind, an embedding that has been too violently engraved that to remove it also means to aggressively remove a part of them. Thus, the colonized is psychologically damaged too. But as the black people who hammered away â€Å"How Do You Like Me Now† (1988) showed, it is not acceptable to be a non-human being. It is not acceptable to be colonized and still feel like a normal human being. There must be catharsis. There must be freedom from all alienations. The painting â€Å"Wives of Shango† (n. d. ) (fig. 2) by Jeff Donaldson captures the liberation from three fronts- liberation of race, liberation of gender, and liberation from one’s own struggles. In this painting, three black women are adorned with bullets and money. The two are not looking back at the viewers, but have superiority in the way their chins are turned up. The middle woman at the back dares to look back at the viewers. But the expression is fierce, and it makes viewers look away. This painting is an image of power. This image breaks away the â€Å"comparaison† that Fanon talks about. Fanon argues that blacks are in the state of â€Å"comparaison,† wherein: â€Å"†¦he is constantly preoccupied with self-assertion and the ego ideal† (185-186). This preoccupation is about blacks being â€Å"always dependent on the presence of ‘The Other’† (Fanon 186). â€Å"Wives of Shango† (n. d. ) is interpreted as the shedding away of this â€Å"comparaison. It does not have a drop of submission or weakness. The women symbolize the power of their gender and race. They are willing to pay and kill to exert power. They are willing to dominate their personal struggles too, by fixing it through money and blood. But the means of money and violence, on the other hand, can also be interpreted as the product of the white gaze. Is it possible that these women are also still being white, by using the same arsenals of the white race? The white race entered and conquered through violence and money. Are the black people going to fight back with the same kind of brutal force? In doing so, they are â€Å"being white† too. Fanon argues that to be black, black people should also accept their whiteness. Fanon says: â€Å"I am French† (179), which includes being part of the white French culture. Fanon argues that the black people could not annihilate the whiteness in them. In the same way, white people can also not demolish the blackness inside them. White and black have mixed already, and this merging of two races and cultures cannot be ignored. Though the white demon has seeded inferiority complex in the black psyche, Fanon suggests that the way to recovery from the white’s subjugation is accepting â€Å"that which is white† in them. The alienation that black people feel is another problem, as it has divided the black psyche into numerous conflicting dimensions. Fanon says: â€Å"That this self-division is a direct result of colonialist subjugation is beyond question† (17). The alienation renders unspeakable psychiatric damages as it injects â€Å"compound, ambiguous, and unsettling results, both internally and externally† (Brown-Guillory 35). Fanon recommends a white mask, but not all people can wear it. â€Å"Wives of Shango† (n. d. ) detaches itself from the white mask. It stresses the power of the black psyche that can be hung outside in full glory. This black psyche might be afraid though, even when it is confident. The women wear symbols of violence and fighting. They know that re-locating their positions in power centers can have drawbacks, and they are prepared with ammunition. Alienation has corrupted the mind completely that fear has been entrenched in the actions and beliefs of the black people. This is where Fanon makes sense. Fear that alienation has created can only be undone through accepting the whiteness. It is also about mending the anger with peace, not with violence. The white mask does not represent another form of oppression. It symbolizes the feeling of safety and trust with whiteness. It signifies the end of domination of the black, because anytime, that mask can be removed. And fundamentally, it is still a white mask. Fanon makes several strong points. Racism, colonialism, and sexism have maimed the psyche of the white and black people. They are divided within, because of these oppressive experiences. But the blacks can recover from this damage, as long as they can handle wearing the white mask. At the same time, they must remember that the white mask is only a mask. It is important for the black people to also find their black identities and revel in the dignity of wearing it inside and out.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparative, Absolute, and Competitive Advantage in trade

Comparative, Absolute, and Competitive Advantage in trade Introduction Global Exchange and trade are the trading procedure of products, and administrations worldwide. In 2010, the estimation of worldwide treads accomplished 19 trillion (US) dollars that are around 30% of the world GDP (Abedini, n.d.). That is almost one third of creation of merchandise and administrations are traded globally around the globe. Global exchange is the trade between two individuals or elements in two separate nations. Global exchange speculations are diverse kind of hypotheses that clarify worldwide exchange (New Sanction College, 2012). Individuals need to trade merchandise and administrations in light of the fact that they accept that they get profit from the trade. Numerous economists accept that the cooperation in universal exchange expands benefit. Exchange hypothetical work proposes that the level of benefit and development may build through its impacts on innovation. There are numerous part of worldwide exchange, which prompt, innovative change and this expanded the rate of monetary development. There are, for the most part, three components of that engineering change: expanded aggressive weight, epitome in imports and learning exchange by business contacts (Sjà ¶holm 1997) The America has long been a centre point for semiconductor and semiconductor materials produce. The semiconductor business had its starting point in the US, and the greater parts of the authentic developments in the business have been in the US. The America business has an outright focal point in both the assembling and offers of semiconductors. The America semiconductor industry is made up of in excess of 60 organizations today, the biggest and most known of these incorporate; Actel Organization, Altera, an Intel Company, IBM Enterprise, Landsdale Semiconductor, Micron Innovation, Rambus, Rochester Gadgets, and Spansion. Economists have created hypotheses to clarify the instruments of worldwide exchange. The primary authentic speculations are called to establish hypothesis. This is focused around the nation. After eventually speculations started to move to clarify exchanged from a firm or organization based not a nation viewpoint. International trade is a vital piece of the American economy. Endless American organizations rely on upon remote shoppers to support their benefits. Furthermore, American customers (both individual and mechanical) rely on upon outside suppliers to take care of their demand for products and assets Absolute Advantage: The theory of absolute advantage was proposed by Adam Smith, which expressed that a nation concentrates on the capacity to deliver a decent more proficiently than an alternate country (New Sanction College, 2012). He said that exchange ought to take after characteristically as indicated by business strengths. Case in point if one nation creates a decent less expensive and quicker as contrast with other so it is better to concentrate on specialization on delivering that great. Smiths hypothesis said that expand the specialization in both nations would profit for both nations and exchange ought to be likewise empowered. This hypothesis express that a nation riches cant be measured by the amount gold and silver it had however by the living guidelines of its kin could be measured. Comparative Advantage: In 1817, the theory was introduced by David Ricardo, according to him, when a nation cant deliver an item more proficiently than the other nation than similar preference happens. It can deliver that item preferred and all the more proficiently over it does different products (Voss Voss, 2008). This hypothesis clarify that how nations through imports can expand their welfare by at the same time offering merchandise and administrations in worldwide business. Two nations can get profit regardless of the fact that one nation could create all products with less assets. The other, give the relative effectiveness, which products might create, contrasts between the two nations. Michael E. Porter one of the leading theorists proposed this theory. According to Porter, the focal point of countries is the limit of its industry to advance and move up to structure a countrys aggressiveness. Profit organizations from having home based suppliers forcefully, residential opponents firmly, and requesting neighbourhood clients. Organizations accomplish advantage from demonstrations of advancement. They approach development in both new innovations and better approaches for doing things. Development could be spoken to in another item outline, new creation methodology, or another promoting method. Seeing a completely new market open door can help make advantage of a few developments. Development yields advantage when the contenders are moderate to react. For example, in automobiles and home hardware commercial enterprises, Japanese organizations concentrated on more modest and lower limit shows that outside contenders loathed as low benefit, low imperativeness, and low fascination (Chou et al., 2000). An absolute and comparative advantage obtains by the America semiconductor industry in the global semiconductor industry Firstly, the America has truly been the focal point of the semiconductor or chip producing industry. US firms, for example, Intel, Texas Instruments, Motorola, IBM, Microsoft, ATT, Hewlett Packard, Macintosh Machine, and exhibit of other early spearheading semiconductor organizations were framed before 1975. A large number of these organizations are spotted or have been truly connected with Silicon Valley† in San Jose, California – so named in light of the quantity of semiconductor chip makers in the territory. The huge number of chip producers in close nearness to each other, produced learning overflows and serious development and rivalry between US semiconductor firms, as specific and exceptionally gifted work was attracted to the region. The drawing of incredible personalities, engineers, creators, and so forth to the region, consequently permitted the America to keep up an inventive contending innovative centre that would eventually keep on profiting the business adv ancement. The opposition and development between these American firms fuelled the development of the America semiconductor industry and gave the business a mechanical and point of interest over all adversaries outside semiconductor commercial ventures at the time The business structure of the America semiconductor industry has additionally assumed an imperative part in pushing proficiency, advancement, high gains, economies of scale and a definitive near point of interest that the America revels in the production of semiconductors today. The business sector has been portrayed by peculiarities of oligopoly (especially in the business initial advancement where firms, for example, Texas Instruments, Intel, IBM, and Ringer Labs overwhelmed the business), monopolistic rivalry (solid item separation and steady requirement for development and inventive new items to increase piece of the pie), and flawed rivalry (where high boundaries exist to new market participants – generally in the assembling of semiconductors, and laws which manage the utilization of specific chips because of their double pertinence in the utilization of military applications. Various participants have moved into the business since the 1970s, such a large number of that t here are currently in excess of more than 65 organizations in the America semiconductor industry. Furious rivalry and new advancements by these organizations has therefore enhanced gains, the business near focal point, the span of the America semiconductor industry, and the offer of worldwide semiconductor deals and fabricates by US firms Conclusion The three customary exchange speculations were talked about. They are all helpful speculations that stay in understanding a large number of modern and exchange arrangements these days. For instance, when a nation considers mechanical and exchange strategies, the relative point of interest hypothesis could be an essential rule. Since todays reality is significantly more convoluted than some time recently, those hypotheses are not palatable in clarifying the worldwide exchange these day circumstances. The fundamental objective of model building comprehends the world, effortlessly by perceiving the most vital variables. Works cited Chacarbaghi; Lynch, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael E. Porter 1980, 2009 p.45 Harrington, James W. International Trade Theory. Geography 349 Absolute advantage. University of Washington. 2009: 25-34. Johnson, Paul M. Absolute advantage. A Glossary of Political Economy Terms. Department of Political Science, Auburn University, 2009: 15-33. Porter, Michael E. Competitive Advantage, 1985. Free Press Samuelson, Paul. A Ricardo-Sraffa Paradigm Comparing the Gains from Trade in Inputs and Finished Goods. Journal of Economic Literature 39 (4): 2010, 1204–1214 Warf, Frederick P. Stutz, Barney. The world economy: resources, location, trade and development (5th ed. ed.), 2007. Upper Saddle River

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Magnificent Minds Of The Renaissance in Europe Essay -- essays researc

The high renaissance of the 1500's was a time of scientific, philosophic, and artistic awe and inspiration. Many new discoveries were being made in the field of science, and philosophers expressed their assumptions on the world and universe around them. In addition, many individuals were gifted with artistic dexterity and skill. The amazing achievements of Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci are considered significant to the Renaissance period. In this paper, the endeavors and achievements of these three Renaissance men will be examined and expressed. Born in 1475 in Italy, Michelangelo was raised in an era of artistic wonder. Not only an artist, but Michelangelo was also a poet, sculptor, and architect. Being gifted in these fields, Michelangelo wrote beautiful poetry and created magnificent sculptures, art, and architectural designs. By the time Michelangelo was sixteen, he produced two sculptures entitled Battle of the Centaurs and The Madonna of the Stairs, and in 1501, Michelangelo began working on his masterpiece "David." The marble statue of David astonished sculptors everywhere, and easily became Michelangelo's most famous sculpture. Michelangelo's painting talent was not so much applied in his canvas paintings, but rather in his gigantic frescoes. Some of his fresco works include The Last Judgment which is a large fresco behind the altar of the Sistine Chapel, and The Creation of Adam which decorates practically the entire ceiling of the Sistine C...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Culture :: Essays Papers

Culture Dominica’s culture is very unique as it has changed hands between European countries such as Spain, Great Britain, and France, who brought African’s as slaves to work the fields. As a result of this combination of different cultures, Dominica contains characteristics that combine to make what is called Creole. This Creole is the mixing of these cultures in language, music, art, food, architecture, religion, dance, dress, and sports. France has had the most noticeable affect on Dominica, which is seen through the majority of Dominicans practicing Roman Catholicism, the French based patois, and the French place names. The best example of this culture is seen in their Carnival, which involves an out pouring of Calypso as the islanders celebrate their heritage through dress, dance, and food. The language of Creole is very different as it is a language formed by the combination of pidginized French, as well as a variety of African languages. Creole not only explains the language but the culture as it means a person of mixed French or Spanish and black descent, speaking a dialect of either French or Spanish. This combination of influences is also seen in the styles of dress as women have outfits that resemble a French provincial woman’s. These dresses have altered over time, as the holidays of Jupe and Chemise in slave times created the "assemble" which is still popular today. This outfit is made up of a floor length skirt, with a bright colored cotton chemise over the white cotton skirt. The older women tend to wear a long sleeved velvet jacket over to be more dignified as the young woman have shorter sleeves. In the Creole culture the style of dress is seen as an art form as many different pieces make up the beautiful contrasts of bright colors to white. There was even a chart for matching foulards and madras handkerchiefs with the dress. These colors were determined by the shade of color the woman was as the different complexions contrasted better with certain colors. All the components that make up these outfits such as the Tete mawe, mouchwe madwas, gard zowel, mouche vanille, chemise decolletee, foulard, portes bonheur, jupe, and jupon or cotillon. ( Another large part of the Creole culture is seen during Dominica’s Carnival. Carnival is a tradition all over the Caribbean, it takes place over the course of several days and involves parades, concerts, and many other festive events.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Do Young People Today Make Good Use of Their Leisure Time? Essay

Leisure time can be well spent in many different ways. One popular option among the young is playing video games and watching television. While other activities like sports,social gathering and reading are available to them,many people feel that they spend too much time on these indoor games and screens and prefer them to be more active. In this essay,I will discuss my view on the issue to get positive results out of free time. Nowadays, younger generation has greater choices of leisure facilities than previous one. Among such facilities are television and video games. Some social experts and families are concerned about health of teenage overindulge on these activities. This is supported by some reports that sitting too long in front of television could lead to problems of eyes and back. On the other hand, some medical experts believe that some video games can improve the dexterity of the player and this could help his or her future career like operating doctor or pilot. In addition, watching television keeps young audience inform about what happens around locally as well as globally. That would enhance teenagers’ inquisitive mind and encourage them to keep eyes on challenging local and international issues. While such benefit is welcomed, there also are dangers of exposing them to violence, crimes and explicit scenes on some television series which can have negative impact on younger personalities. Alternatively, there are many activities which have positive results in term of social, physical and educational values. For example, walking, jogging and trekking in a recreational park improve their physical strength and give an opportunity to observe nature and environment. Furthermore, spending time with family, relatives and friends outdoor enriches their social lives. As a result, they would be more interactive and responsible socially. Finally, one could simply be entertained by reading at home or playing some music. In conclusion, how much time should we spend on each activity during extra time is debatable. Each has its own merit so long as individual does not involve excessively. In my opinion, young and adult alike should choose sensibly on type of activity and time spent to get most benefits out of their free time.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Historical Inquiries Group Essay

By the 1870’s, Europe was forever changed by the formation of Italy and Germany as new nation-states. Through this formation, Europe was shaken by the alteration in the balance of power. In Germany’s case, its unification was created through the leadership of Prussia, attempting to make a strong ethnic nation that could defeat Austria. Italy’s unification was made possible by the initial intentions of Sardinia. Europe witnessed how drastically the balance of power was shifted during World War I, when Germany and Italy proved they had both grown into powerful nation-states. The creation of the nation-states of Italy and Germany was a key point in the history of Europe that changed that balance of power in Europe. There are several factors that lead to the unification of Germany. For example, the introduction of new nationalistic ideas during the Enlightenment, caused for such events like the Carlsbad Decrees, which were German youth movements that spread national and liberalistic ideologies. These movements, however, were not too successful and eventually suppressed underground. The greatest factor that leads to the unification of Germany was most likely through Prussia under the control of Otto von Bismarck, who led Prussia to become the unifying power. The Danish-Prussian war in 1864 was the first step for Prussia, in which Prussia gained Schleswig, and Austria, which had an alliance with Prussia at the time, gained Holstein. Due to Holstein geographical isolation from Austria, it created tensions between Prussia and Austria, and lead to the Austro-Prussian war. The results of the war ended up with Austria being defeated, and Prussia gaining Holstein. The Franco-Prussian war in 1870 lead to the Treaty of Frankfurt, allowing Prussia to gain Alsace and Lorraine from France; the loss of Alsace and Lorraine later becomes a reasons for tensions between France and Germany.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Employability Skills Essay

Employability Skills for Team Manager Fresh Days Morrison’s. The role at Morrison’s of being team manager at fresh days will require the applicant to have certain qualities and skills. You will need to be a high performer in order to be successful in the Morrison’s job role. To be eligible for this team manager job you will need a certain list of employability skills to ensure that you are the right applicant for the job of team manager at fresh days Morrison’s. For the job at Fresh Days Morrison’s you will defiantly need to have good verbal communication as team manager because you will have the responsibility of your team members day in and day out and you will be overseeing projects which you would be in charge of so you will need to be able to communicate with colleagues to make sure everything will run smoothly and then you will need to report back to the director. You will need to be able to plan and organise well so you are able to plan out and then organise a project well and then carry it out effectively. Time management is an essential employability skill that will be required, you will need to be able to perform efficiently to the amount of time you have and manage it effectively within projects and daily work days. As a team manager you will need to be able to have exceptional leadership skills, being able to motivate your team and being someone that they come to for guidance is really important in this job. Flexibility is a good skill to have in this job as you will need to adapt to different situations, tasks and environments quickly as team leader so that you team members are able to come to you for help if they are unable to adapt quickly. Morrison’s are looking for these specific employability skills as they know that without these you will not be suitable for the job and will not succeed, then neither the applicant of Morrison’s will benefit from this. Personal Skills for Team Manager Fresh Days Morrison’s. You will need to be a natural born leader to be successful in the team manager fresh days job at Morrison’s, you can’t be shy or held back you have to be able to take charge of a situation straight away without any difficulty and you will have to be a good directing others by making sure all the tasks are complete. It is very important that you are confidant within yourself so that people in your team can respect and look up to you, without confidence you will not succeed in being a team manager and you would not be best suited for this job. We require that you’re an ambitious person so that we know the goals of the company that are set can be achieved without any problems and if we set harder goals you are motivated to reach these goals. Something that we think is essential in a team manager is motivation because if your team members see that you are motivated it will motivate them to perform well in their work. You will need to have a skill of reporting back to people as this job position requires you to report back to the director on a daily basis. Morrison’s are looking for a real leader to be their team manager at fresh days Morrison’s to help the business succeed. Communication Skills for Team Manager As a team leader you will need to be a very good listener, you will have to take on your team members problems within the tasks, their ideas and anything else they have to say, without this communication skill your team will not succeed in the tasks and daily requirements that are set. You will be the leader of your team and it is your job to hear everything everybody has to say even if you don’t necessarily want to. It is necessary that you are able to take feedback from your bosses with good intentions, you have to be able to take bad feedback and then learn from it and take good feedback and be proud of it. If you want to be a good team leader you will need to be assertive in this job so that everything that you know needs to be done will be done with no complications or without any colleagues saying that didn’t know what you were talking about, you need to be assertive so that tasks and projects are completed efficiently. You will defiantly need to be a good talker to get your colleagues attention and to be able to share everyone’s ideas and thoughts on the task set for that day so everyone in that team feels like and equal member of the team.